Bennie Griessel is distracted. And troubled. Thirsty.

Three homocide investigations. A massive heist.

Dark forces trying to stop him.

And he's getting married on 12 June.

He's not ready for any of it.

Choas unleashed.

A student's death in Stellenbosch mountain wasn't an accident.

A former special forces soldier killed as a message. To someone: "Keep your trap shut."

A corrupt politician's body found in the bunker on the sixtreenth green of the Arabella golf estate. With a mysterious message written in the sand.

A sensual game ranger, recruited as a honey trap for the biggest dollar heist in the country's history. And dark froces lurking in the halls of power trying to sabotage Benny Griessel and Vaughn Cupido's every move.

You need a cool head to untangle this web of deceit, to manage the incessant pressure. You have to be calm and focused. And sober.

But Benny Griessel's head isn't cool. He's worried. Anxious. And a little bit scared. Because he is getting married on 12 June, a date roaring down on him like a bullet train. And he isn't remotely ready for it.

Chaos is coming.

The Reviews

“Crime, and an angst-inducing wedding - the new Deon Meyer thriller is a bull's eye.”

— John Vervoort in De Standaard (Belgium).

“Central to the book is the suspense. It is a thriller in every sense, and Meyer shows why he belongs in the top echelon of the genre. His style is unique, infectious and so easily accessible. In addition to Benny, there’s a special place for Vaughn Cupido’s character. This big, dark detective is an absolute star in LEO. His humour and temper are delightful, his dialogue sharp. LEO is perfectly hits the mark. Deon Meyer is an undisputed star in thrillerland. Any criticism? It is over too soon.”

— Marinus van de Velde in Thrill Zone.

“This is world-class fiction that once again proves that Meyer thouroughly deserves all his accolades and sales figures.”

— Marni Bonthuys on Netwerk24.

The World of LEO

Stellenbosch mountain: The fire hur ruins where Le-Lanie Leibrandt's body was found.

Bull Pen: The HQ of the SAPS detectives in Stellenbosch, where Benny and Vaughn have an office.

Poggio Nativo: The Italian village in the Sabine hills where Chrissie bought an apartment.

Gold heist: The Basler BT-67, used by the team to fly the gold out of Calvinia.

Landing strip: The airfield at Skoorsteenberg in the Tankwa-Karoo. Jericho Yon will land here.

Town gate: The front door and porch of Chrissie's apartment. The ancient town gate is to the right.

Square One: The small sqaure in front of Chrissie's apartment, where she sees the two cats for the first time.


In Translation

The Netherlands

Published by A.W. Bruna.

South Africa

Published by NB Publishers.